Amala Acadamy is a leading DHA Coaching Center for nurses, located in the heart of Chengannur city, in Alappey dist., which conducts online exam preparation for various licensing exams of Gulf countries. From Alappuzha students can reach Amala Academy by road or rail transport. We are providing hostel facility for students. We are providing coaching classes for DHA, MOH, MOD, HAAD, NCLEX exams. Our faculties who are well qualified and experienced in the field, help the candidates to attain their goals in the 1st attempt itself. We are one of the best institutes in India, providing MOH | DHA | HAAD | PROMETRIC, coaching for Nurses. We assist clearing exams for BLS / ACLS by AHA.
We provide a comprehensive range of services: Coaching, Study materials, Data-flow, & Exam registration. Exam registration for DHA, MOH, HAAD, PROMETRIC, for Nurses, Lab & X-Ray technicians, Physiotherapists, Pharmacists & Doctors etc. Dataflow for Qatar, Abudhabi, Dubai and Saudi Arabia. Enjoy your profession in Gulf with good salary.
Having a limited number of students in every batch, we assure that special attention and maximum care can be given to each student and success is guaranteed. We will also be satisfied & happy when you get the right job in your dream country. We are in the process of expanding our services & classes keeping the main centre at Chengannur and branches at Thirumala, Trivandrum Dist.